SCMS Conf 2023–WMS Sponsored Panels & Recommended Panels/Rountables/Papers

SCMS Conf 2023–Whoohoo! It’s here!

WMS Sponsored Panels & Recommended Panels/Rountables/Papers


Sponsored Panels

F26      Representation and Militarism  

Chair: Mary Schmitt, Quinnipiac University

  • Mary Schmitt, Quinnipiac University, “Reading Black Panther Through/With The Spook Who Sat by the Door: Lessons on Black Internationalism and US Militarism”
  • Karina Griffith, University of Toronto, Berlin University of Art (UdK), “G.I. Dreams in Black Authored German Cinema”
  • Samantha Welwood, University of Texas – Dallas, “Disabling Power: The Vilified Fat Body in WWII American Propaganda Animations”
  • Dalina Perdomo Alvarez, Michigan State University, “Intervening Islands: Post-Militarism in Contemporary Puerto Rican Video Art”

I5         Fantasy and Memory: The Cultural Legacies of War Media  

Chair: Isaac Blacksin, University of Southern California

  • Isaac Blacksin, University of Southern California, “Cinematic Fantasy and Military Imagination in the War on Terror and Beyond”
  • Tony Grajeda, U. of Central Florida, “Remembering the Iraq War: Reflections on Twenty Years of War”
  • Pierre Folliet, Yale University, “Visualizing the Algerian Civil War: Ideological Warfare and the Control of Images”
  • Navnidhi Sharma, New York University, “Fractious Neighborships: India-China encounters on the Bombay film screen”

K5       Warscapes: Mediating Environments of and at War  

Chair: Cortland Rankin, Bowling Green State University

  • Cortland Rankin, Bowling Green State University, “Façades, Firepower, and Film: Military Training Cities and Documentary Critiques of the New Military Urbanism”
  • Anat Dan, University of Pennsylvania, “Wounded Landscapes: Documentary and the Afterlife of War”
  • Yulia Gilich, University of California Santa Cruz, “The War on Ukraine and the Russian Menace in Western Visual Culture”
  • Zenia Kish, The University of Tulsa, “‘Ukrainian Farmer Steals Russian Tank’: Tractors as Viral Wartime Farm Media”

L20      Vietnam Withdrawal: The Persistence of the Vietnam War in American Culture  

Chair: Stacy Takacs, Oklahoma State University

  • Stacy Takacs, Oklahoma State University, “Rumors of Peace, Greatly Exaggerated: Six O’Clock Follies and the Cultural War over Vietnam”
  • Clifford Marks, University of Wyoming, “The Wrong and Right of It: Watchmen, Vietnam, and the Tulsa Race Massacre”
  • Kathleen McClancy, Texas State University, “‘I’m just bored of men like you’: Burning Down Nostalgic Masculinity”

Recommended Panels/Roundtables

B14     Revisiting the Cold War Western  

Chair: Austin Fisher, Bournemouth University

  • Costanza Salvi, Universidad de Zaragoza, “The Revolutionary Implication of Duel in the Sun (1947): Irrationality and Conformism in the First Phase of the Cold War”
  • Austin Fisher, Bournemouth University, “Un-American Activities: Johnny Guitar and the Blacklist Western”
  • Jenny Barrett, Edge Hill University, “‘They Will Speak in Our Language’: The White Man’s Memory of the Indian in Three Cold War Westerns”
  • Andrew Nelson, The University of Utah, “‘Instant and insensate hatred of anything Indian’: Responding to The Searchers, Then and Now”

D25     Navigating Politics and Conflict in 20th Century Media  

Chair: Heather Hendershot, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

  • Julide Etem, University of Virginia, “Becoming White to Win Hearts, Minds and Wars”
  • Heather Hendershot, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, “The Whole World Wasn’t Watching: Revisiting the 1972 Democratic National Convention as a Political and Televisual Event”
  • Thamyris Almeida, Dartmouth College, “Vila Sésamo: Cold War Politics and the Brazilian Adaptation of Sesame Street”
  • Hongwei Thorn Chen, Tulane University, “The Logistical Lament: Cinema and the ‘Soft’ Infrastructures of Total Mobilization in China’s Second World War”

L27      ROUNDTABLE Counter/Forensic Violence  

Chair: Sasha Crawford-Holland, University of Chicago

  • Toby Lee, New York University
  • Laliv Melamed, University of Groningen
  • Pooja Rangan, Amherst College
  • Patrick Brian Smith, University of Warwick
  • LaCharles Ward, University of Pennsylvania


Papers of Interest


C7       Media Enclosures: Immersion, Imaginaries, & Surveillance 

Soha Saghazadeh, University of California, Santa Barbara, “Drone Intimacies: Techno-Spiritual Imaginaries of the First Iranian Unmanned Aerial Vehicle”


D22     Cinematic Sub/urban Space 

Daria Goncharova, University of Kentucky, “Dream Houses of the Dream Factory: Hollywood’s Marketing of Homeownership and Citizenship During the Early Cold War”


D24     From Revolutionary to Regressive to Retro Educational Media’s History Lessons and Alternative Futures 

Alex Kupfer, Vassar College, “Visual Instruction, the GI Bill, and the Postwar Boom in Useful Cinema”


F18      SCI-FI DOC: Between Speculation and Nonfiction 

Leo Goldsmith, The New School, “Rehearsals for Extinction: Peter Watkins’s Speculative Documentaries”


F22      Celluloid, Photo Morgues, Datasets Materialities of Circulating Archives 

Julia Irwin, University of California, Berkeley, “Harun Farocki’s Eye/Machine I, the Enactive Archive and Twenty-First-Century Institutional AI”


H1       Contemporary East Asian Media  

Kevin Chew, Nanyang Technological University, “‘Cannons merely as tools’: Reconsidering ecomilitarism in Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind”


H22     Archives of the (In)Visible Surveillance, Imaging and Power  

Diana Ruíz, University of Washington, Seattle, “Techniques of the Observed: Latinx Mediations of Immigration Surveillance”


J18      The Impossibility of Dwelling in Post-World War II Cinema Home(lessness), Race, Gender, and the Geopolitical Sphere  

Pamela Robertson Wojcik, University of Notre Dame, “The Woman at the Wheel: Rehoming the Unhomed Soldier in World War II”


K19     Reimagining Identification  

Scott Birdwise, OCAD University, “What is to be done? Fantasmatic Reenactment and International Solidarity in The Silent Village (1943)”


K21     Data and/as Image Data’s Coercive Contexts and Representations 

Macy McDonald, The University at Buffalo, SUNY, “Images of Detainment: Framing Detainee Images from Guantánamo Bay”


K26     Genres and Nations  

Max Berwald, University of Southern California, “From Heroic Sons and Daughters (1964) to Changjin Hu (2021): Staging the Korean War in Chinese Film”


O16     Remembering Taiwan and Vietnam 

Nicole Keating, Woodbury University, “In Their Infancies: Visual Traces and Memory of Memory for Child/Infant Vietnam War Refugees”