Reminder that we will hold our online meeting during SCMS’s Virtual Symposium on Friday, December 6 from 12–1 PM CT. We hope to see you […]

on the media in war and war in the media
Sorry we haven’t had a review essay in a while, but I did notice that the Winter 2020 edition of JCMS included a review essay of two recent publications in […]
Reminder that we will hold our online meeting during SCMS’s Virtual Symposium on Friday, December 6 from 12–1 PM CT. We hope to see you there! If you have any […]
The War and Media Studies SIG is holding its annual graduate student writing award competition to showcase innovative work in the field by our graduate student members. We will again […]
Sharing the CFP for an exciting upcoming conference on Asian cinemas and the Cold War. The committee asks: In what ways can engaging with the Cold War and its aftermaths […]
Quick roundup of three new titles at the intersection of war and media studies: Redrobe, Karen. 2025. Undead: (Inter)(in)animation, Feminisms, and the Art ofWar. University of California Press. From University […]
Dear WMS Colleagues! Please review this compelling CFP from our partner journal Media, War and Conflict: REIMAGINING THE FIELD OF MEDIA, WAR AND CONFLICT ICA Pre-conference Call For Papers: Media, […]
Congratulations to co-chair Cortland Rankin on Routledge publishing his first monograph! Decline and Reimagination in Cinematic New York Check out the link: Book Summary: Decline and Reimagination in Cinematic […]
It is with enormous sadness and heavy hearts that the War and Media Studies SIG shares the news of Eileen Rositzka’s passing. Many of you will no doubt have read […]
Sorry we haven’t had a review essay in a while, but I did notice that the Winter 2020 edition of JCMS included a review essay of two recent publications in […]
Reminder that we will hold our online meeting during SCMS’s Virtual Symposium on Friday, December 6 from 12–1 PM CT. We hope to see you there! If you have any […]
Reminder that we will hold our online meeting during SCMS’s Virtual Symposium on Friday, December 6 from 12–1 PM CT. We hope to see you […]
Dear Colleagues! What a wonderful annual meeting we had with our WMS members! We want to update members on the review of the past year […]